System shock the many
System shock the many

system shock the many system shock the many

  • Grassi - doctor and chief medical technician, responsible for maintaining and repairing all of the advanced medical equipment used on the MedSci Deck.
  • Melanie Bronson - Security Chief, based on the Operations Deck.
  • Juan Curtiz - power plant supervisor, working on Engineering Deck along with Delacroix and Sanger.
  • system shock the many

    Constance Sanger - chief engineer supervisor on Engineering Deck, working closely with Dr.Marie Delacroix - principal designer of the Von Braun's FTL engines, mankind's historic first Faster-Than-Light drive. Based in her office in Bulkhead 41 on Operations Deck. Designer of the Von Braun's ship-board AI and OS, XERXES. Janice Polito - head scientist, specializing in computer engineering. Norris - senior flight officer, based on the Command Deck.Captain Anatoly Korenchkin, based on the Bridge on the Command Deck.

    System shock the many